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DomEstate Capital

Client Summary

DomEstate Capital is a real estate investment firm specializing in multifamily properties, management and renovations, and new investor education. DomEstate operates in 4 different states across the United States. DomEstate Capital needed to create an online presence that would allow them to reach and connect with their new investors.

Features & Tech

  • Customized HTML, CSS, JS
  • CMS Setup and Deployment
  • FAQ Chatbot
  • Forms & Newsletter Sign Up
  • Investment Platform Integration
  • Property Portfolio
  • Investment Glossary & Learning Resources

The Challenge

DomEstate Capital needed to create an online presence that would allow them to reach and connect with their target audience, educate new investors, and easily update their portfolio as they acquired additional properties.

Our Process

By discussing priorities with our client we were able to uncover what aesthetic they wanted and what the flow should be in order to usher users through relevant site info and ultimately reach out for a consultation. We needed to use technology that our clients would find easy to update themselves and it needed to be tailored for their branding. Due to these constraints, we settled on using a CMS and incorporated custom code to achieve their vision.


Increased lead generation by 42% by integrating Invest Next Platform into site user flow

Created clean layout aesthetics with minimal text for smoother UX and improved brand recognition.

Integrated enhanced site features allowing for streamlined user experience and funneling leads to consultation form

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